Monday 7 February 2011

Day 3; Oasis Sports Centre, Nr. Tottenham Court Road (04/02/11)

by Tarkan (Photo's to the right, as always)
5:30pm Friday evening, time to clock off and head down to the pub for some after work drinks with the regular work alcoholics Pete and Alex, but not for the Super Six; myself, Adam, Taras, James, Danny and Jags. We had other ideas, well actually it was Adam “The Muscle” Stanley’s bright idea to have a monthly team training session!  (By the way someone needs to have a word with him about Friday evening training sessions and eating into valuable drinking time.)
Due to a injury to Jags, the Super Six became the Famous Five, all to meet at Oasis Sports Centre. So four of us set off  towards  Oasis to meet our fifth man, Danny, now to be known as  “The Flop” Fletcher, who was no where to be seen, and not responding to calls, texts, or morse code! So much for the Famous Five, we were now the Fantastic Four.
Also no signs of Rosie, which we realised en route to the pool that none of us actually had her number to get in contact with!  We were down to the bare bones of the team (myself, Taras, James & Adam). We entered the swimming pool changing room which could only be described as a scene out of the YMCA by village people; but what else would you expect from a swimming pool located on the outskirts of Soho! We shouldn't have really been surprised!
There we were . . .  four cowboy potential channel swimmers, running from the warm changing rooms into a cold outdoor swimming pool. (Apparently the temperature of this was 26 degrees Celsius . . . . but I have my doubts as there was also a sign which said pool temperature is currently under investigation!). No time to mess about, we got straight down to some hard core swimming training, doing lap after lap with the occasional break and dodging the other swimmers in our way.  An uneventful endurance based session. However, after about an hour, James had the brilliant idea of a shower and then a pint (pint = brilliant, shower = not so brilliant). Anyway, long story short we got out of the changing rooms sharpish looking for a local pub to have a quick drink but our idea of one quick pint turned into four long pints.
We then left to go on our separate ways to sleep off the effects of the alcohol safe in the knowledge of any good work  in the swimming pool was totally undone in the pub!  Will we ever learn, I guess we will have to wait and see what happens at next months training session.
Lets see if everyone turns up next time!

Adam: Thanks to Deniz for the photo of Tarkan post workout and beers! Tired were you Tarkan? :-D